Home Tools and Applications Surveys & Questionnaires RISE – Assessing the Structure and Dynamics of One’s Job

RISE – Assessing the Structure and Dynamics of One’s Job

6 min read

Four factors must be aligned for us to be successful in our job. Two of these factors (Intentionality and Support) relate to the supplies (resources) needed for us to be able to effectively engage in the work we are expected to engage. Two of the other factors (Enablement and Responsibility) relate to the demands being made from outside our job. We typically have substantial control (internal locus of control) with regard to two of the four elements (Intentionality and Enablement), but have very little direct control (external locus of control) with regard to the other two elements (Responsibility and Support).

Responsibility [External Locus of Control] [Demand Element]

We are likely to be more challenged if the expectations of others in the organization are higher (though higher expectations often come with greater authority over and access to organizational resources).

Accountability (Formal Expectations): The designated and assigned outcomes regarding our job

Hope (Informal Expectations): The often unacknowledged, but shared, expectations regarding the outcomes of our job—if highly successful

Intentionality [Internal Locus of Control] [Supply Element]

We are more likely to be successful in our job if we gain access to substantial resources in the organization that directly relate to our specific job (though with more substantial resources come increased expectations).

Control (Formal Intentionality): The resources which we “own” or have
been officially assigned to and provided for this project.

Patronage (Informal Intentionality): The resources to which we have access that are officially “owned” by or assigned to others in the organization.

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