Home Concepts Strategy Coaching with Groups and Teams The Journey from Group to Team: Stages of Development and the Human Spectrum

The Journey from Group to Team: Stages of Development and the Human Spectrum

69 min read

In addressing these questions and sharing initial perspective on the task at hand, the group creates a preliminary climate that is nurturing and supportive. There is greater clarity about what needs to be accomplished and how people in the group might relate to one another. Safety is established in a tentative manner and the group is ready to address the challenges of establishing authority and managing divergent perspectives and practices among group members.

Stage Two: Storming

The second stage of group development is characterized by some degree of emotional response. In the area of task behavior, the storming stage will be characterized by an emotional response to the demands of the mission. To at least some extent, Team members will experience some resistance to the demands the mission will apparently be placing on them. If the mission—related tasks are relatively easy and if the experience and expertise of the Team members seem adequate to the tasks, this resistance will be relatively minor and may even go unnoticed. If, however, the tasks appear extremely difficult, or if the members of the Team are uncertain of their abilities to accomplish the tasks successfully, this resistance may be quite intense.

Domains and Needs

The domain of Ideas is of primary importance at this point in the development of the group. Ruby Red pervades the Stage Two landscape. Members of the group want to know who is in charge and how authority will be established and maintained in the group. This is particularly important, because there will be the preliminary sharing of ideas at this point and inevitable differences of opinion will emerge – hence the storming.

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