Issue Four: Coaching in the Professions — Challenges and Culture
In this issue we focus on coaching to a particular kind of client, namely men and women working in professions. Articles in this issue have been written by professionals who are also coaches and by experienced coaches who have spent many years working with professionals. At the heart of the challenge of coaching are the unique cultures to be found with each profession.
Issue Three: We Invite You to Make a Mess — Enhancing Research Regarding Professional Coaching
As we did in Issue Two, we focus on the cartography of coaching: how do we enhance research in the very “messy” environment of professional coaching. We offer several analyses from the last decade as well as today about the challenges inherent in these research initiatives and point the way to future explorations of and diffusion of results from studies done about professional coaching strategies and outcomes.
The Past, Present and Future of Coaching Research
Issue Two: “Here Be Dragons” — Exploring the Terrain of Professional Coaching
We write in this and our next issue of our common effort in the cartography of coaching: the research which underpins the workings of our efforts and highlights the performance of our profession. In this first of two issues on the systematic effort to document coaching, we’ll address research in and about coaching both historically and conceptually—we’ll cover the terrain rather broadly.
Issue One: Coaching Across the Generations
At the Santa Fe Conversation, a topic of some interest for many participants was the way professional coaching extends “across the generations.” This phrase refers not only to challenges associated with coaching men and women at all stages in their life, but also those associated with a coach of one generation and stage in life working with a client from a quite different generation and stage in life. We decided to devote this first issue of the Future of Coaching to this theme:
Coaching Across the Generations
1K Club
Peer Resources
November 13, 2013 at 4:00 pm
Great idea and wonderful content. Did I miss the schedule of how often this new magazine will be published?
William Bergquist
November 13, 2013 at 4:05 pm
We are delighted that you approve of this new digital magazine and expect to have a new issue published four times per year.