Home Marketing Trends The Marketing of Professional Coaching: An Eleven Year Perspective

The Marketing of Professional Coaching: An Eleven Year Perspective

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4.  Develop partnerships with mental health professionals and other collateral professionals

Despite the fact that consumers have become relatively sophisticated in understanding when to seek coaching vs. therapy (or coaching vs. consulting), the distinction between the professions continues to be blurred by the large number of former therapists, as well as doctors, accountants and lawyers who enter the executive coaching profession. It is unclear how many of these transferring professionals complete executive coaching training programs before seeking clients. Additionally, some coaches cross the line and give professional advice far outside the domain of coaching and their expertise. Lawsuits have resulted from clients who were harmed by coaches giving advice outside their expertise. We feel that it is vital that coaches remain within the purview of coaching with their coaching clients regardless of their former training. Additionally, we continue to believe that it is important for executive coaches to develop relationships with trusted therapists, lawyers, accountants and other professionals and to refer their clients to these contacts when clients require such expertise.

5.  Internationalize executive coaching

Since our article in 2003, executive coaching has been introduced in over 80 countries. Much as we envisioned in our article then, the launch and growth of executive coaching in these new markets was much quicker than in the U.S., drawing on the successful experience already demonstrated here. For example, while an estimated 50% of U.S. businesses use coaching, in the U.K. that estimate exceeds 90%. Executive coaching is still in its growth phase in most of these markets and the excitement about coaching there reflects positively in the United States. In the last five years we’ve seen dynamic growth in coaching in Australia, Canada, China, Korea, Japan, India, and all over Europe.

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