Home Research Case Studies Assessment of the Clients Existing “Go to Market”: Coaching in Manufacturing Sector

Assessment of the Clients Existing “Go to Market”: Coaching in Manufacturing Sector

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Sector: Automotive
Assignment: Assessment of the clients existing ‘Go to Market’ strategy
Period: 2009


After testing a product concept in a minor fashion, the client had started a sales and marketing campaign to expand on the initial findings and to generate a revenue stream. The product concept was not mainstream to the organisation’s existing operational focus. Circumstances created a gap between these launch actions
and subsequent follow up.


• To assess awareness of the product opportunity with major original manufacturers and their dealer networks
• To recommend a course of action to deliver return on investment


• Desk and phone based research on sector
• Gap analysis on the product concept
• Direct phone contact with all major original manufacturers and their dealer networks in the sector in UK
• Concept check with leading consultant in the sector


Verification that the concept was viable and that there was a gap in the market available for exploitation.

Recommendation to client to significantly amend their original sales and marketing strategy in order to make a quicker return on the initial investment.

Recommendation to the client that licensing the product would be a better option for them than maintaining direct control of the sales and marketing activity and incurring the on-costs of such operations.

There was swift agreement on this course of action leading to the sourcing and introduction to the client of a specialist third party consultancy from which the licensing agreement was successfully concluded.

Client now enjoys a revenue stream from their concept allowing them to focus on their core business activities.

©Myron Partnership 2011

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