Home Concepts Schools of Coaching Jungian The Hero’s Journey: A Case Study

The Hero’s Journey: A Case Study

14 min read

9.  The Payoff: The hero’s accomplishments are recognized and rewarded.  Melissa was accepted as a student at the college and she received a scholarship which meant that her tuition and books would be partially paid for.  Her daughter was proud of her and Melissa felt her life was getting better.

10. The Road Back Home: The hero established a new life. Melissa enrolled at the college, began receiving financial assistance, and continued to seek out support from the women’s group.  She said she felt that she was on the mend. She felt good about herself but knew that further psychological work was looming in the future.

11.  Resurrection: The hero has to face death one more time on a bigger scale and a deeper level.  Melissa entered therapy. The therapeutic process requires the client to relive past traumas in the safety of the therapeutic setting. Melissa felt that this stage of therapy was very difficult, but essential.

12.  Return with the Magic Elixir: The hero is changed and has something to give back to society. After presenting Melissa with the summation of her “Hero’s Journey” during a coaching session, she said, “Wow! I did all that.”  She said she was proud of herself and that it made her feel stronger. She sat back thoughtfully in her chair and said, “You know . . . I had no idea how close I was or even that it was okay to feel yourself mucking about in the dark.”

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