Home Research Coaching Surveys The Development of Coaches Survey: III. Influence and Learning

The Development of Coaches Survey: III. Influence and Learning

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The variance scores for the items on question one will provide us with some idea about the level of agreement among the respondents to both surveys. We begin with the variance scores for the first survey from highest (least agreement) to lowest (most agreement):

Question One: How much influence has each of the following had on your OVERALL development as a coach?

Teaching coaching courses or seminars (face to face or online) (variance=1.74)
Doing coaching related research (variance=1.49)
The institutional conditions in which you practice (variance=1.39)
Giving formal supervision, mentor coaching, or consultation to other coaches (variance=1.37)
Observing coaches in workshops, films or on tapes (variance=1.26)
Getting formal supervision, mentoring or consultation (variance=1.20)
Having informal case discussion with colleagues (variance=1.12)
Getting personal coaching (variance=1.03)
Taking coaching specific courses, seminars or workshops (including online courses) (variance=1.01)
Collaborating with other coaches (variance=0.91)
Experiences in your personal life (variance=0.86)
Reading books or journals relevant to your coaching practice (variance=0.63)
Experiences in coaching clients (variance=0.36)

The second set of variance scores comes from Study Two responses to our first question. They are once again listed from highest variance to lowest:

Question One: How much influence has each of the following had on your OVERALL development as a coach?

Teaching coaching courses or seminars (face to face or online) (variance=1.89)
Giving formal supervision, mentor coaching, or consultation to other coaches (variance=1.48)
Doing coaching related research (variance=1.36)
Getting personal coaching (variance=1.06)
Observing coaches in workshops, films or on tapes (variance=1.04)
Getting formal supervision, mentoring or consultation (variance=1.02)
The institutional conditions in which you practice (variance=1.00)
Collaborating with other coaches (variance=0.98)
Having informal case discussion with colleagues (variance=0.86)
Reading books or journals relevant to your coaching practice (variance=0.81)
Experiences in your personal life (variance=0.80)
Taking coaching specific courses, seminars or workshops (including online courses) (variance=0.52) Experiences in coaching clients (variance=0.19)

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