Focus of the Study
While there were 76 questions in each of the coaching surveys, we will concentrate in this third study on responses to only two of the questions (questions #29 and #35 in both surveys):
Question One: How much influence has each of the following had on your OVERALL development as a coach?
Experiences in coaching clients
Taking coaching specific courses, seminars or workshops (including online courses)
Collaborating with other coaches
Getting formal supervision, mentoring or consultation
Having informal case discussion with colleagues
Reading books or journals relevant to your coaching practice
Observing coaches in workshops, films or on tapes
Getting personal coaching
Giving formal supervision, mentor coaching, or consultation to other coaches
Teaching coaching courses or seminars (face to face or online)
Doing coaching related research
The institutional conditions in which you practice
Experiences in your personal life
Question Two. How much influence does each of the following have on your CURRENT development as a coach?
Experiences in coaching with clients
Taking courses, seminars or workshops (including online courses)
Getting formal supervision or consultation
Having informal case discussion with colleagues
Reading books or journals relevant to your coaching practice
Getting life coaching for yourself
Getting coaching on your coaching work
Coaching other coaches on professional or life issues
Giving supervision or consultation to other coaches
Teaching coaching courses or seminars (face to face or online)
The workplace conditions in which you practice
Experiences in your personal life outside coaching
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