With regard to questions featured in our previous articles, respondents were asked to use a five point scale indicating level of agreement with each item. Respondents to the two questions featured in this third article were asked to rate the nature and extent of influence regarding each of the items under each question. They were instructed to use a six point scale –ranging from a positive three to a negative three:
+3 = Very Positive [Influence]
+2 = Moderately Positive
+1 = Somewhat Positive
0 = None [No Inflence]
-1 = Somewhat Negative
-2 = Moderately Negative
-3 = Very Negative
On the one hand, this different response scale can lead to some confusion when comparing results from these two questions to those of the questions we have featured in our two previous articles. The scores on these two questions will inevitably be lower than those on the other questions (given a range of -3 to +3 rather than 0 to 5). On the other hand, the use of an alternative response scale can help to break up response sets, by requiring the respondent to adjust to a different manner of rating a survey item.
In future reports we will provide results from the other questions, as well as offer more detailed analyses about relationships between responses to the three questions on which we focus in this article and the other questions — including the potential differences in responses between various demographic groups and correlations between responses to various questions. In addition, we will engage advanced statistical tools (multiple regression and factor analysis) as we seek to provide a more comprehensive and systemic portrait of the respondents’ sense of their own development as coaches.
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