There doesn’t seem to be much difference between personal coaches and organizational coaches in their responses to difficult coaching situations. They seem to handle these difficulties in a similar manner. Our analysis of ICG certified and non-ICF certified coaches similarly yielded very few differences (only a difference regarding the greater tendency for ICF certified coaches to terminate the coaching engagement). We will have to look elsewhere for potential differences in the way difficult situations are handled—or perhaps there are deeply-ingrained tendencies for all coaches (or maybe most people in contemporary societies) to face difficulties in a similar manner.
Question: In your RECENT coaching how often . . .
Personal Coaching | Organizational Coaching | T-Test
| P Level | |
Do you feel you are changing as a coach? n | Mean=3.53 Variance=1.31 | Mean=3.62 Variance =1.41 | t = -0.54 df =200 | >.05 |
Does this change feel like progress or improvement?
| Mean=4.00 Variance=1.26 | Mean=4.11 Variance =1.09 | t = 0.74 df =199 | >.05 |
Does this change feel like decline or impairment?
| Mean=0.15 Variance=0.18 | Mean=0.11 Variance =0.11 | t = 0.83 df =199 | >.05 |
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