Home Research Coaching Surveys Development of Coaches: VII. Are There Any Differences between Personal and Organizational Coaches?

Development of Coaches: VII. Are There Any Differences between Personal and Organizational Coaches?

39 min read
The institutional conditions in which you practice Mean=1.23



Variance =1.15

t = 0.18

df =192



Experiences in your personal lifeMean=2.10



Variance =0.81

t = 0.32

df =198




Unlike the analysis of differences regarding influence (overall) for ICF certified and non-certified coaches, there are virtually no differences of significance between respondents who work primarily as personal coaches and those who work primarily as coaches in an organizational setting. There is a near significant difference in the item concerning coaching course, seminars and workshops, with personal-oriented coaches being often influenced by these activities than organization-oriented coaches; however, nothing else emerges as a differing impact on coaching practices between personal and organizational coaches. It will be interesting to see if a subgroup of the organizational coaching group (those who provide training) are less influenced by training they have received as learners than are the coaches that they themselves train. This will have to await future analyses.


Question: How much influence does each of the following have on your CURRENT development as a coach?



Personal Coaching


Organizational Coaching





P Level

Experiences in coaching with clientsMean=2.58



Variance =0.69

t = 0.39

df =193



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