Home Research Real World Coaching: Real World Research

Real World Coaching: Real World Research

22 min read

Coach researchers also need access to a collegial community of experienced colleagues who can provide mentoring and technical support, enabling less experienced practitioners to work through challenges of research design or execution, someone who could accompany the coach researcher in her own development by being a helpful part of the process. A recognized coaching research community would support, promote and encourage both reflective practice and contribution to the field of coaching studies, and would reinforce these elements as an integral part of a professional coaching identity.



Barlow, Hayes & Nelson (1984 ) The scientist-practitioner: Research and accountability in clinical and educational settings.  Allyn & Bacon: Needham Heights, MA.
Campone, Francine and Awal, Deepa.  Life’s thumbprint: the impact of significant life events on coaches and their coaching. Coaching: An international journal of theory, research and practice. vol 5 (1)  March 2012
Corrie, S. & Callahan, M..M. (2000).  A review of the scientist-practitioner model: Reflections on its potential contribution to counseling psychology within the context of current health care trends.  British Journal of Medical Psychology. September, 73, 413-427
Stern, Lew (2014) Interview: Research on Professional Coaching. The Future of Coaching @ The Library of Professional Coaching. www.libraryofprofessionalcoaching.com.

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