Home Research Coaching Surveys Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey: 2011

Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey: 2011

43 min read
Executive Coaching Survey

Delivery Methods for Coaching

Over the years, coaching has been delivered in person more frequently, but the change is gradual. Over the last six years, in-person coaching has climbed from 44 to 47%, while phone coaching has dropped from 37 to 34%. Webcam coaching is up to around 5% of service delivery.

81% now say that in-person coaching is the most effective method, up from 71%, in our first survey. Phone coaching is seen as the most effective delivery method by just 19%, down from 26% five years back.

In-person meetings constitute 10% more of total service delivery at larger companies (100 employees+) than at smaller firms.

Coaches in business five years or less do a majority of their coaching in person, while those who have been in the field more than five years do about 45% of their work in person.

In almost every part of the USA and across Canada, the majority of executive coaches work in person. Only in the Northwestern US does phone coaching account for a majority of business.

The most effective delivery method for coaching? 2011 Sherpa survey responses:

The most effective delivery method for coaching?

Other research has shown a gap between the delivery methods people want and what people get. Coaches do see advantages to phone delivery. It reduces travel time and costs. It allows more clients to be served in a day. Consequently, some coaches urge phone delivery for clients who would prefer to work in person. A consumer awareness study conducted by the International Coach Federation (2010) found that 11% of coaching clients who preferred to be coached in person ended up being coached by phone. As more coaches are trained and certified, and a larger pool of veteran coaches is available, we may see those mismatches being reduced.

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