Home Research Coaching Surveys Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey: 2011

Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey: 2011

43 min read
Executive Coaching Survey

How Do Coaches Spend Their Time?

Executive coaches tell us that they do not spend all their time providing coaching services. They often teach, train or consult. Coaches in larger companies spend less of their time coaching, because they often handle training, human resources and administrative functions, as well.

How much time is actually spent coaching? 2011 Sherpa survey responses:

How much time is actually spent coaching?

In our 2011 survey, we do find that coaches spent more of their time in coaching than the previous year.


Since 2006, executive coaches’ annual earnings have dropped, primarily because the number of clients served has dropped each year for both veteran coaches and new entrants to the field. It’s part of a trend. Most significantly, the drop has been for coaches in the business 3-10 years. Both veteran and entry level coaches make about the same as they did five years ago.

EarningsSome executive coaches point to “more and more coaches following the same number of clients.” A separate report with earnings for both executive and life coaches is available for download, on or after February 25, 2011, at sherpacoaching.com/survey.html.

Has the state of the economy had an effect on coaches’ earnings?   An executive coach in Australia reports: “There is a significant clean out of less effective coaching businesses as the lag effects of the economy hinder growth in Australian businesses. Coaches who have just started businesses or consultancies in the last year or two have found it very difficult to maintain a sustainable business. ”

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