Survey Methodology
Each year, we review the way our survey is designed. For six years, we have solicited help in survey design from the executive education programs at five major universities. In addition, we rely on Shawn Herbig, President of IQS Research in Louisville, Kentucky. Mr. Herbig and his research team offer solid advice any time we consider additions or changes to the survey.
A leading authority on coaching and mentoring, Rey Carr of Peer Resources (Victoria, BC, Canada), has described the Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey as “the most method-sound in the industry.”
An American executive coach from the Southeast asked: “I would like to know the population you targeted for the survey, so I will know how to understand the results. Is it your clients, your trainees, or a broad base of coaches and individuals? ”
Here’s your answer: Invitations were sent by email to a variety of lists. The Sherpa Coaching list includes executive coaches, human resource professionals and others interested in the broad field of coaching. This mailing list has been a work in progress since 1999. Email invitations were also sent to mailing lists held by several university executive education programs and to university alumni lists.
Participants in all earlier surveys are always invited to take part in current research. Anyone who receives an invitation to participate can forward the survey link, allowing for people to ‘opt in’ to current and future research. In effect, anyone who knows about the survey can participate, and invite others to do so. Thus, we believe any latent inequities have been shaken out of the invitation list over the last five years.
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