Home Research Coaching Surveys Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey: 2011

Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey: 2011

43 min read
Executive Coaching Survey

The Value of Coaching

When we ask about the value and credibility of coaching, the question is reserved for HR professionals and business leaders. They tell us that executive coaching continues to increase its perceived value and credibility. In 2006, almost 90% of HR professionals and coaching clients felt the value of coaching was either somewhat high or very high. ‘High value’ perceptions now exceed 94%.

[three_fourth last=”no”]Credibility means integrity, reliability, authority and trustworthiness. The credibility of coaching is also on the rise. Five years back, one third of HR professionals labeled coaching’s credibility as ‘mediocre’ or worse. After noticeable improvement, the number of negative responses has fallen to 20%.[/three_fourth]

[one_fourth last=”yes”]Coaching as a business tool continues to gain legitimacy.
-Harvard Business Review. (2009)[/one_fourth]

There’s still a discrepancy. Why do some HR professionals see the value of coaching as high while its credibility is low? It’s probably this: they hear about coaches who don’t inspire confidence. Credibility goes down. They hire coaches who do inspire confidence. Perceived value goes up.

The value and credibility of coaching. 2011 Sherpa survey responses:

The value and credibility of coaching

Coaching is not a united front. One Australian coach says coaching is: “Fragmented, with a wide range of dubious theories doing the round, such as law of attraction!” As it turns out, there is quite a bit of fragmentation in coaching, and quite a few fads making the rounds. Look it up, and you will, indeed, find a current ‘flavor of the month’ in a crew of coaches who preach the “law of attraction”.

There are, at the same time, missionary coaches who put forth ideas that go beyond business behavior, such as “Healing the world and all her life forms”. One executive coach in the American heartland describes the business as “Shamanistic spiritual healing. ” These are sincerely held beliefs, but not likely to find favor in the business mainstream.

Coaching is a relatively new game, but clarity is emerging. There are good reasons why executive coaching is gaining in credibility. A veteran coach from the Netherlands says coaching is: “still an emerging profession with great initiatives underway to professionalize and clarify processes, procedures and standards. More mature markets demand valid credentials and high level coaches.”

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