Why Leadership Development Fails to Produce Good Leaders
Despite the fact leadership training programs abound, they have failed to produce good leaders.
Despite the fact leadership training programs abound, they have failed to produce good leaders.
Use coaching to inform your organisational learning. In my recent research, I asked a number of South African senior HR contractors of executive coaching services in multi-national organisations how this is managed in their company. Most could not define the extent to which coaching takes place in the organisation, how it is being used and whether coaching is aligned with …
I have started reading my mind based on my 15-years of corporate knowledge, practice and learning.
Act mindfully and savor your relationships at work and at home. Stop doing things that no longer serve you. Create the powerful habit of “pacing” yourself to restore energy, build resiliency and create well-being.
Executive Summary o From the broad geographical spectrum of respondents, there is growing global interest in the power of Group Executive Coaching. Although it is taking place around the world, the dominant locations for group executive are Europe (70%), Asia (63%) and North America (30%) o 52% of respondents have been coaching for five years or more, compared to 13% …
Every crisis calls for great leadership. Today, a generation of leaders is being severely tested. One bad decision, even one bad attitude in top management can cost people their jobs. That’s why executive coaching is an essential development tool for leaders at every level. Each year, the Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey offers insight into leadership development and executive coaching. For …
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