5. Get referred Having an enjoyable conversation is one thing and actually getting referred is another. Sometimes connections will offer to pass your resume along, but many times you have to actually ask to get referred. An informational interview is not a productive job search tool if it doesn’t result in a referral, so don’t squander this opportunity.
6. Follow up People do not always respond or follow through immediately. Many times you’ll need to follow up on emails where you’ve requested a conversation or on promises
a connection has made to introduce you to someone. Do not hesitate to respectfully follow up – people forget, and persistence pays off.
7. Prepare for formal interview Similar to informational interviews, you want to research all the people on your interview committee, industry trends within the role, and company specific information in advance of the formal interview.
8. Build relationships Referrals work so well because people want to hire people they feel like they know and like. When you build relationships with the people you meeting, engaging in friendly conversation and learning names, they no longer feel like you’re a stranger or outsider.
9. Speak to your results and abilities Companies want to know about the results you’ve achieved in previous roles and how you can bring that to their company. You should practice explaining results you’ve achieved in your work history by using the STAR framework: Situation, Task, Action, Result.
10. Negotiate There’s something unappealing about a candidate who is so desperate to work somewhere that they seem like they’d be willing to work for free. Ideal candidates and top performers understand their worth and are thorough in making sure a role is a fit all around. Even if you’re uncomfortable negotiating an offer, you should ask probing questions throughout the process and never accept an offer immediately when it’s made.
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