Home Tools and Applications Health and Wellness What Conflict Work May Offer About the Covid-19 Crisis

What Conflict Work May Offer About the Covid-19 Crisis

13 min read

Phase 1-The slumber

It certainly was a rude awakening for many. Folks here in France had been living these past few weeks quite unconscious of the looming disaster. Populations were happily unaware, largely carefree and just going about their daily life. This is Phase 1 in Processwork theory when working with conflict.

It had indeed been business as usual for many here, getting through our daily routine, getting together socially, sometimes even partying despite the official early announcements, recommendations and warnings. Much of the same has been going on around the world. This collective behavior of being happily unaware is our u Energy, an energy we are very familiar with.

Some of our world leaders themselves had also been slow to acknowledge the upcoming disaster, downplaying early forecasts and recommendations.

One may argue that Phase 1 in the context of the coronavirus pandemic has in effect largely spread the infection further in certain areas of the world.

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