Home Tools and Applications Health and Wellness What Conflict Work May Offer About the Covid-19 Crisis

What Conflict Work May Offer About the Covid-19 Crisis

13 min read

I haven’t yet completely integrated these aspects of my X energy the lockdown caused. I have not fully developed my deep immunity yet, as the X energy pops up now and again, but it is a work in progress.

Phase 3 may actually feel like a very humbling proposition of letting go of old identity structures, much like progressing in a real-life individual (and collective) initiation.

Pope’s blessing in empty St Peter’s Square, The Guardian, March 2020

The Endgame

The last phase of conflict resolution implies stepping back from our opposing u and X energies. At this level (called Essence level), what is required is detaching. It comes with letting go, “not-doing”, “being” which develops a greater acceptance of lifeThis is a very quiet, passive and creative phase, as opposed to phase 3.

The feelings generally associated with that phase are therefore relaxation, openness. It might feel like you are yourself being moved about (flowing) by larger forces during that phase. Often, what needs to emerge, does so from a place of deep calm and centeredness. (phase 4 is a phase and paradoxically for the purists also at the center of all phases)

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