Home Tools and Applications Health and Wellness What Conflict Work May Offer About the Covid-19 Crisis

What Conflict Work May Offer About the Covid-19 Crisis

13 min read

The corporate group seminars I run are now largely on hold, or moved online, since all in-person events have now been postponed or indefinitely cancelled. My job as an organization coach dealing with individual and group conflicts, helps me try to develop my own, very human-oriented, perspective on the current events.

My intention with this (possibly these) article is to shed a new and very personal light on the current horrifying outbreak using a theory for conflict resolution.

Michelle Gustafson for The Washington Post, March 2020

The new normal

Our new collective reality is rapidly emerging and changing. What we see out of our windows, in our households, the way we interact and conduct business are morphing everyday as we have been adjusting to the lockdown. I borrow below in parts some elements from Arnold Mindell’s Processwork (process-oriented psychology) theory. This “level” of our mundane experience is what Mindell calls the consensus reality level, as we can all agree on what we can observe, as distressing and horrifying it may be.

Now is obviously the time to focus on the emergency of helping those directly affected by the virus, as far too many lives are lost every day, and as the health care professionals are our frontline heroes against this virus.

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