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Conversational Intelligence Coaching Methodology Immersion Experience for Coaches

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Conversational Intelligence® is a revolutionary coaching methodology developed by Dr. Judith E. Glaser, that allows you to leverage the power of neuroscience to create rapid, transformational shifts with your clients.

Returning for a third year, Judith will be opening the doors to her 90-minute Immersion Experience on this powerful body of work – at no cost!

This is a hugely anticipated event in our industry and seats are filling up fast.

Make sure to register now so you don’t miss out and have the benefit of picking your preferred time slot.

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to understand and redefine what conversations are, why neuroscience plays such a significant role and how you as a coach can immediately implement these insights with your clients to create sustainable change.

Teena Goble

Learn more about the impact of Conversational Intelligence and explore this powerful body of work here.

During this 90-minute no-cost Immersion Experience you will discover:

  • The neurochemistry behind conversations which enables you and your clients to quickly establish an environment of trust and connection – with individuals, teams and entire organizations.
  • Profound frameworks and questions to activate the parts of the brain that trigger high engagement, trust and innovation – including specific tools and methodologies to share with your clients so they can create sustaining and healthy conversations at work and in life.
  • The Epigenetics of Conversations and how we transcribe new patterns and neuropathways in our brains through frameworks you can use right away to create a healthy culture through conversations for yourself and your clients.
  • The exact tools Judith used to take her client Clairol from being a $250 million company to selling to P&G for $4.95 billion within less than a decade.
  • The Conversational Dashboard that allows you to identify conversation styles of your clients and take them from resisting and skeptical to high levels of trust and co-creation.
  • The Up- and Down-regulating Framework that helps you as a coach to regulate your clients’ (and your own) own bio-reactions during even the most challenging leadership situations.
  • The 3 levels of conversations – What they are. Why they matter. And how to coach your clients to accessing the most impactful and effective communication as a leader by moving to level 3 conversations.
  • How to shift leaders with a strong point of view away from “being addicted to being right” and arguing back and forth to avoid and resolve conflict by asking Discovery and Innovation questions.
  • How to become part of a global community of coaches co-creating a movement to revolutionize the way we communicate, connect and interact as human beings.
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