Home Tools and Applications Leadership Coaching The Cosmopolitan Expert: Dancing with Numbers and Narratives

The Cosmopolitan Expert: Dancing with Numbers and Narratives

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Enamored with Words

Lest we conclude that only the culture of science and numbers is guilty of arrogance and ignorance – and that it is only the experts residing in this culture who are in trouble, it is important to note that the world of words and narratives – the culture of the humanities—is itself often unaware of or refusing to acknowledge the deeply embedded assumption with which it operates. The experts of narration are often themselves challenged by a rightful critique of their siloed view of the world. The architects of social constructivism are themselves often unaware of their own arbitrary constructions. Their fictions are just as glaring as those identified by Deborah Stone.

To gain some sense of what is occurring in the social constructive act of those in the humanism culture, I turn first to linguistics (one of the building blocks of the humanities) and specifically to the distinction drawn between semantics and syntax. Put all too simply, semantics concerns the content being conveyed through use of language, whereas syntax refers to the structure of the language being used. I propose that the basis (in part) of social construction in the humanities (and in the world of experts operating from this culture) resides in both domains of language.


Benjamin Whorf (2012) and his more widely accepted predecessor, Edward Sapir, were among the most controversial (and at times influential) proponents of a constructivist perspective regarding the role played by the content of language—a perspective often broadly identified as symbolic interactionism. The so-called Whorfian Hypothesis concerns the influence of words on our thoughts and subsequently our decisions and actions. On the one hand, there is a version of this hypothesis that is often called the Weak Whorfian Hypothesis.  This version is based on the strong correlation found between words and priorities: we finely articulate that about which we care.

There are many semantically defined distinctions to be made in domains where we have much invested—while there are few distinctions drawn in areas of less social value. The classic example offered by Whorf is the many different words used among the Inuit (Eskimo) when identifying and describing what most of us would call “snow.” In recent years, we can point similarly to the many words used by ski and snowboard enthusiasts for the “snow” in which they operate. Those of us with minimal interest in “snow” use just the one word, while the Inuit, skiers and snow boarders use many different words, because they are living and navigating (at least part of their life) in this “snowy” world.

I would offer the example of differentiations made by the Ancient Greeks in the domain of what we in contemporary life would call “love.” Most of us use the single word, “love,” whereas the Greeks identified four different kinds of committed engagements: eros, philia, storge and agape. The Whorfians would suggest that Ancient Greeks might have placed greater value on the domain of “love” than is the case with those of us who place greater value on and attend much more diligently to other matters. A similar case could be made for the Inuit, skiers and snowboarders. The critical point to be made here is that this version of the Whorfian hypothesis is called “weak” because correlations do not imply causation – only mutual alignment.

Some Whorfians and renegade linguistics and psychologists move beyond this weak approach to understanding the interplay between words and thought. The Strong Whorf Hypothesis is based on the assertion that our language (and specifically our words) strongly influences and even determines our perceptions of and actions in the world. The strong question becomes: do the Inuit and skiers see something different and take different actions as a result of their more detailed distinctions regarding “snow”? Did the Greeks see something different in their loving relationships with one another? Were there differing perceptions that led to differing decisions and actions as a result of the words being used?

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