The following article was contributed by: http://www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com/
Meditation calms our mind, relaxes our body and soothes our spirit. For coaches, having a few guided meditation scripts up our sleeve can be really helpful – whether it’s to calm down a harried client, start off a workshop or just help clients connect with themselves and slow down. Here are 3 guided meditation scripts for you to use with your clients for relaxation and calm.
Tip: Make sure to speak slowly and softly. I actually have a different ‘voice’ I use when I help my clients with guided meditations.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Anything in square brackets […] is NOT to be said out loud, they are a note for you to do something eg. [pause].
1. Two Minute Meditation to Help Your Clients Find Calm
This guided meditation script uses Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP techniques to allow the client to imagine for themselves what calm looks like – and how to bring this into their lives.
• I invite you to take a deep breath and when you’re comfortable, begin to close your eyes [pause].
• I wonder if you would take a moment to imagine yourself being more calm, peaceful and focused [pause].
• And as you allow your unconscious mind to naturally conjure an image of what that would feel like; consider what you might be seeing [longer pause], hearing [longer pause] and what you might be feeling [longer pause] that shows you are more calm, peaceful and focused [pause].
• And perhaps you are already feeling more calm, peaceful and focused [pause].
• If not, notice that your unconscious mind can reveal how you might do this [longer pause].
• Now, maybe you can think of a simple way to incorporate this feeling of calm into your life in the days and weeks ahead [longer pause].
• And after you have done that, know that it really can be this easy to create a little more peace and calm in your life [pause].
• So, I invite you now to take a breath for a moment, and begin to move your attention back to the room, listening to the sounds around you and begin to open your eyes [pause].
Finally you can ask something like: “So, how was that? What did you learn?”
You can also use this exercise as a basis to coach the client around creating more calm in their lives.
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