Home Tools and Applications Career / Life Planning De-Stress Your Clients in 5 Minutes or Less With These Guided Meditation Scripts

De-Stress Your Clients in 5 Minutes or Less With These Guided Meditation Scripts

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2. Three Minute BREATHING Meditation

This simple guided meditation script helps revitalise AND relax the client. The deep breathing helps to oxygenate their blood while the simple focus on the breath calms them and brings them into the present moment.

• I’d like you to pause , take a deep breath and place your feet flat on the floor. Really FEEL your feet in contact with the ground underneath you.

• Now place your hands on your stomach and take 2-3 deep breaths, noticing your stomach rising and falling with each in and out breath.

• And when you feel comfortable, being to close your eyes.

• Now, as you keep breathing deeply into your stomach, I’d like you to breathe in for a count of 5, then hold your breath for a count of 5, and breathe out slowly for a count of 5. And keep breathing, in for 5, hold for 5, out for 5.[Pause for about 1 minute]

• [Softly] Great. I’d like you to now slowly bring your attention back to the room, noticing the sounds around you and begin to open your eyes [pause].

• So, how are you feeling?

3. Five Minute Meditation for Relaxation and Body Tension Release

This simple guided meditation gets us into the present moment by focusing on, and relaxing our bodies. It helps us to literally connect with our ‘selves’.

• I’d like you to get comfortable in your chair and relax. Take a deep breath and place your feet flat on the floor, really FEELING your feet in contact with the ground underneath you.

• And just take a few more deep breaths like this for a moment [pause].

• So, I’d like you to start by focusing on your toes. Scrunch them up, and then release. [pause] Now relax your ankles [pause], calf muscles [pause], knees [pause] and thigh muscles [pause]. Remember, let any thoughts you may have float up and away from you in an air bubble. [pause]. Now relax your buttocks [pause], pelvic area [pause] and begin to notice any tension you may have in your back. Breathe deeply in, and as you breathe out, slowly relax and release any tension you may have in your back. [pause] Now your shoulders. Lift them up and then release completely. Wonderful. [pause] Now it’s time to relax your neck and jaw muscles. Take a deep breath in, and as you breathe out let go of any tension you’re holding in your neck and jaw [pause]. Finally, the top of your head [pause]. I’d like you to hunch your shoulders up one last time and as you release your shoulders, any remaining tension can sink down and flow out of you [pause].

• Wonderful. Take a few more deep breaths and enjoy this feeling of relaxation and calm for a little while longer. [longer pause about 1 minute]

• [Softly] Hmmmmm. I’d like you to now slowly bring your attention back to the room. Begin noticing the sounds around you and when you’re ready, open your eyes [pause].

• So, how are you feeling?

Guided meditation is a great way to both help our clients relax and connect with themselves AND to get them curious about meditation as a practice. Enjoy these guided meditation scripts – and feel free to play with them and add your own personal touches!

BONUS TIP: Once you’ve taken your clients through the process, both 2) The Breathing Meditation and 3) The Body Tension/Relaxation guided meditation scripts can be given to the clients to use by themselves when they’re tense or stressed.


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