Home Tools and Applications Career / Life Planning How to Use the Wheel of Life Template to Create Meaningful Goals!

How to Use the Wheel of Life Template to Create Meaningful Goals!

3 min read


If two of the goals are 1) Buy a Porsche and 2) Be a great father/husband.
1) Porsche: Will it improve their Finances? No. Will it improve their relationships with family and friends? Probably not. Will it improve their Career? Unlikely. Will it improve their Fun? Yes (score 1). And so on until, let’s say they get a score of 1½ out of a possible 8.
2) Being a great father/husband: Well, it may not improve their finances much but it will help their relationships, fun, perhaps health, definitely personal growth etc. So let’s say they get a score of 7  out of 8.

And there it is in black and white. For a happy and balanced life the Porsche scores 1½, whereas being a great father/husband scores 7. Now your client can make a more informed choice on which goals have the most meaning – and which they choose to prioritise and work on.

I have used this exercise countless times with clients and they have always learned something about themselves. There have been ‘Aha Moments’ ranging from realising how important to them it is to be a great father to finally asking for and getting help with clutter in the home (this was huge!) to why saving up to go to the casino really is a bad idea.

Why This Exercise Works

The power of this exercise is that it helps our clients see for themselves in black and white what will make the biggest difference in their lives. And it helps them understand and get closer to their real selves (heart) as opposed to being driven by desires and excitement. This exercise helps people focus on truly meaningful change in their lives.

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