Home Concepts Adult Development The Social and Cultural Characteristics of Generational Age Groups

The Social and Cultural Characteristics of Generational Age Groups

18 min read


1 Demographics-Definition and Overview,2011.

2 Fran Olsen, The Four Generations of Employees, RVDA, 2011.

3 Pat Thornton, The Silent Generation—Most Misunderstood and Underestimated, 2008.

4  Pat Thornton, The Silent Generation—Most Misunderstood and Underestimated, 2008.

Primaries 2008: In Florida It’s the Older Generation, Stupid!, PR Web, 2008. 

Primaries 2008: In Florida It’s the Older Generation, Stupid!, PR Web, 2008. 

7  Robert Brenner, Selling to the Generations. Part 1: Age Groups and Attitudes, 2001.

American Dream on Life Support: Boomer-Plus Americans Believe They Will Leave World in Worse Shape, PR  Newswire, 2008.

9  Fran Olsen, The Four Generations of Employees, RVDA, 2011.

10  Generations: When We Bloom Where We’re Planted, Who Is In the Garden With Us?, 2008 Summer Leadership Conference, 2008.

11  Robert Brenner, Selling to the Generations. Part 1: Age Groups and Attitudes, 2001.

12  Fran Olsen, The Four Generations of Employees, RVDA, 2011.

13  Frank Magid Associates, The Politics of the Millennial Generation: A New Survey Comparing Political Attitudes Between Generations, March, 2006.

14  Robert Brenner, Selling to the Generations. Part 1: Age Groups and Attitudes, 2001.

15  Primaries 2008: In Florida It’s the Older Generation, Stupid!, PR Web, 2008.

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