Best Empowerment Tips

1 min read

14. Make the strategy that is ‘off the pitch’ painfully real.

15. Tell the truth about your experience.

16. Ask about or say what’s forbidden.  “What is forbidden that you can ask or say directly?”

17. Talk to the resistance.  “What is being resisted that you can speak to directly?”

18. Shift your attention to the place you want energy to go.

19. Identify/ provide the missing conversation.

20. Ask for coaching.

21. Coach the person, not the situation.

22. Assure Dialogue.

23. Promise What You are Afraid of.

24. Celebrate What’s Right with the World.  (from Dewitt Jones)

25. Demonstrate that you won’t see it until you believe it.

26. Show that vision causes perception and perception causes reality.

27. Always seek another right answer.

28. Enhance what’s right and get rid of the rest.

29. Always return to beginners mind

30. Do most of the coaching by listening

31.  Coach the way the person is behaving not the situation. \

32.  Use questions and never tell

33.  Be committed to the individual versus what you want

34.  Be not afraid to tell your truth kindly

35.  Stand for  clear contracts with the  person being coached

Copyright:  Kairos Productions Inc. 2013

Pages 1 2
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