Culture and Core Values

3 min read

Culture is the condition in which the business happens.  Culture is the space in which the work gets done.  Culture decides who and what wins and losses in a business.  Culture regulates actions and therefore governs results.  Culture is like water to the fish or air to the bird, invisible to the people within it, but the ultimate determinant.  Culture is the ‘dark matter’ of the business universe.  Culture is superior-ordinate.  Culture is decisive.

Most businesses pay little attention to their culture, primarily because they believe they have no direct access to shaping it.  But there is a way to build and sustain a powerful culture.  By focusing on the distinct areas that constitute culture and managing them in ways that are truly committed and authentic, they will generate a culture that promotes high performance and success.

This article is about breaking free in the core values aspect of culture.

What is the core of every successful business and how is this core expressed?  It’s expressed as values—core values, a crystal clear expression of what the company stands for.  Values are revered affirmations, honored declarations, esteemed pronouncements.  Without core values clearly and solidly at the heart of a business, the business is limited in its performance and therefore its success.

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