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Histories of the 50 Emerging Sage Leaders

13 min read

I believe I’ll be doing commercial and residential construction for the rest of my life. And it is something that I love. My roles are likely to change, however. Before too long I will be an owner of a company, but managing construction projects and helping with entitlements and development will always be something I do. I have a business background and would love to do other ventures on the side, but my primary role will be construction management.

I see myself continuing my career path, focused on working with our community to better meet the health and human service needs of our low income, underserved populations. And helping to strengthen our nonprofit sector so it can be a better and stronger partner.

I’m in touch with who I am, and it is not time to pursue other professional leadership roles. I don’t feel I have enough to offer to a large high school district because that’s a huge responsibility, and I am not there yet. I also have a son leaving for college, and I want to be available and supportive of him. I’m not a person who has to have the “Top Dog” job. I’m very team-oriented, so I feel fine making my boss look good without that person even knowing it.

I definitely see myself on the same career path. I’ve gone from employee to independent contractor to business owner. As a business owner, I started working one-on-one, then went into group workshops, and now have speaking engagements and book writing and promotion. I do see increasing responsibilities for myself, in that my current business only supports me. But in the future I’ll bring in other people as contractors or employees.

This is where I have to weigh the needs of my family and the needs of my career.   Personally, I’m here to stay. Potential opportunities to go elsewhere have come up, but I want my family to stay here and be together. I’d be happy to remain here the rest of my life.

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