Home Concepts Adult Development Nurturing Generativity and Deep Caring

Nurturing Generativity and Deep Caring

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de St. Aubin, Ed (2004), “The Propagation of Genes and Memes: Generativity Through Culture in Japan and the United States,” in de St. Aubin, Ed, Dan McAdams and Tae-Chang Kim (Ed.) The Generative Society. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, pp. 63-82.

de St. Aubin, Ed, Dan McAdams and Tae-Chang Kim (Ed.) (2004) The Generative Society. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

de St. Aubin, Ed, Dan McAdams and Tae-Chang Kim (2004) “The Generative Society: An Introduction,” in De St. Aubin, Ed, Dan McAdams and Tae-Chang Kim (Ed.) The Generative Society. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, pp. 3-13.

Dollahite, David, Brent Slife and Alan Hawkins (1998) “Family Generativity and Generative Counseling: Helping Families Keep Faith with the Next Generation,” in McAdams, Dan and Ed de St. Aubin (Ed.) (1998) Generativity and Adult Development.  Washington D. C.: American Psychological Association, pp. 449-481.

Erikson, Erik (1964) Insight and Responsibility. New York: Norton.

Erikson, Erik (1974) Dimensions of a New Identity. New York: Norton.

Erikson, Erik, Joan Erikson and Helen Kivnick, (1986) Vital Involvement in Old Age. New York:  Norton.

Erikson, Kai (2004) “Reflections on Generativity and Society: A Sociologist’s Perspective“ in de St. Aubin, Ed, Dan McAdams and Tae-Chang Kim (Ed.) The Generative Society. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, pp. 51-61.

Freedman, Renee and William Bergquist Ed.) (2021) The Future of Coaching: Coaching for the Greater Good   Library of Professional Coaching. Link: https://libraryofprofessionalcoaching.com/concepts/ethics/coaching-for-the-greater-good/

Frost, Peter and Carolyn Egri (1990), “Appreciating Executive Action” in Suresh Srivast, David Cooperrider and Associates, Appreciative Management and Leadership: The Power of Positive Thought and Actions in Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Gilligan, Carol (1982) In A Different Voice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Imada, Takatoshi (2004) “Generativity as Social Responsibility: The Role of Generations in Societal Continuity and Change,” in de St. Aubin, Ed, Dan McAdams and Tae-Chang Kim (Ed.) The Generative Society. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, pp. 83-95.

Jones, Dewitt (2020)Celebrating What’s Right with the World. Vimeo: Full Session (22 minutes): https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=celebrate+whats+right+with+the+world+vimeo&view=detail&mid=805B5B21A288A5DAE80E805B5B21A288A5DAE80E&FORM=VIRE

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