Home Concepts Best Practices Case Study: Exploring Coaching Options

Case Study: Exploring Coaching Options

35 min read

 4.Establish New Behaviors

A coach can provide objective compassion and support changes in behavior over time and facilitate feedback from others to adapt one’s own behavior.

5.Clarify Values

Clearly define and attune to one’s purpose and integrity then consistently demonstrate one’s values in one’s actions.

Coaching can help a client to improve professional performance but it must go beyond a quick fix…rather coaching can help the client to accelerate their effectiveness by ultimately improving their performance and sustaining it over time.

 Given these fundamental reasons to utilize coaching, it was even more important to define the root of the issue and select the most prudent approach for solving the problem. Suggesting the wrong solution for the wrong reason can be a waste of time for everyone involved. Providing the wrong solution could create harm to the organization and the Manoel.

If, however, coaching is the best path given the circumstances and if the Manager agrees to change and improve, then coaching can work. When a coaching program is successful, the ROI and time-to-value for both the coachee and the company can be enormous.


As the Head of Business Development and Talent Director’s original assessment was based solely on qualitative feedback, this was a key indicator that the problem that needed to be solved actually needed to be investigated and validated.

As a consequence, I contracted with the client to revisit the nature of the problem and systematically collect data to guide us in a logical decision about the best course of action.

The client agreed to reassess and move forward with digging in to unearth the basis of the problem. The firm’s belief in Manoel, along with its two-year investment in an assignment to Germany, were too great to move forward with a fix that was unsuitable.

Utilizing the traditional approach of executive coaching, I reviewed Manoel’s data from several personality assessments (MBTI Step II and Hogan HDS) that were available plus the most recent 360-degree feedback results from the USA. Further, I utilized a uniform set of questions (see the list of Root Cause Questions earlier in this article) in confidential conversations with key stakeholders, Manoel, his peers and project members. Additionally, I spoke with the HR Business Partners in the USA and Germany to gain their insights and first-hand knowledge of the situation. I also observed Manoel in project meetings and held several conversations with him both on site and during casual meals.

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