Home Concepts Best Practices Case Study: Exploring Coaching Options

Case Study: Exploring Coaching Options

35 min read

Hogan HDS

Of the 11 leadership derailers, “Bold” was determined to be the highest risk factor for Manoel. High scorers on Bold:

  • Overestimate talents and accomplishments
  • May not seek different opinions
  • Demanding and overbearing
  • Unwilling to admit mistakes
  • May blame mistakes on others
  • Self-promoting
  • Strong sense of entitlement
  • No sense of team loyalty
  • Overly self-confident
  • Bite off more than they can chew
  • Unwilling to listen to feedback

These personality descriptors were fully present in the 360 feedback. Hogan provided affirmation for Manoel that we needed to pay attention to Bold as a potential risk.


Manoel scored as an ENTP with high preferences for extraversion, intuition (big picture thinking) and perceiving (keeping options open).

As an ENTP, Manoel fit his profile for preferences. He was:

  • Highly engaging no matter the setting.
  • Gave his team confidence to ensure project relevance and priority status throughout the enterprise.
  • Led by intuition rather than factual data and his instincts on project teams were typically spot on as he always provided his teams with options from which to choose solutions.

Manoel was proud of his reputation as being warm, inspirational, enthusiastic, and an idealist with diverse interest. He was also inventive, innovative, ingenious and imaginative as he facilitated people well. Manoel realized that his inquiring mind was too pronounced in the new organizational culture. 


All of us come to jobs hoping to get our needs met and FIRO-B helps us identify our needs and can infer job fit. FIRO-B offers an opportunity to identify what needs we have for Inclusion Control/Power and Affiliation.

Manoel has a high need for Inclusion. He desires a lot of interaction from others and wants to be included by others in team meetings and social affairs. When he is isolated from others, he does not get his needs met.

He also has a high need for Control and perhaps Power. In organizations both socialized power (and personalized power (ego driven) exists. It is important to distinguish between the two as companies typically value high Power needs to help get the job done. People with high Control scores typically make good managers as long as they can balance it with allowing others to influence their decision-making.

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