Home Concepts Best Practices Case Study: Exploring Coaching Options

Case Study: Exploring Coaching Options

35 min read


Creating a leadership development plan requires a coachee to pay attention to the 70-20-10 rule. Manoel’s learning plan consisted of 70% on the job development, 20% training and 10% coaching. He requested to attend a LDP program at the Center for Creative Leadership in Belgium and practice new team behaviors with leaders who did not know him.I also encouraged him consider  attending a public program entitled “Self Managing Leadership (SML) at Oxford Leadership.

My role during this process was to support Manoel in capturing key insights during this experimentation with new behaviors. It is during this phase that I also pay attention to conversations he is having with his direct manager, Head of Business Development and HR to ensure that he is contracting with them for future success and enrolling them in his continued development.


 Effective “New Leader Assimilations” equip leaders in transition to accelerate success their new roles. For the next two months, my focus was on delivering proven practices, thought-provoking ideas, tools, and personal action plans to help Manoel quickly develop his effectiveness. The 8-step plan is drawn from Genesis Advisers, founded by Dr. Michael Watkins.

  • Preparing for a Successful Transition: Recognizing common transition traps to avoid derailment.
  • Accelerating Your Learning: How to absorb information efficiently to speed up the transition process.
  • Diagnosing Your Situation: Identifying the type of transition to understand the challenges and opportunities ahead.
  • Prioritizing to Succeed: Ways to build momentum for both short- and long-term success.
  • Working with Your New Boss: Tips on creating a productive relationship.
  • Achieving Alignment: How to coordinate strategy, structure and culture to meet ultimate objectives.
  • Building Your Team: Guidance on how to assess team members and processes to build a strong


CEO Karlin Sloan of Sloan International Group offers this coaching wisdom.

“What we’ve found time and time again is that the greatest differences in individual resilience comes not from what happens to us, but from how we react to what happens to us. It’s true that some people are born with a set of attributes that naturally move them forward despite setbacks, but it’s also true that we can develop resilience through life experience and through conscious practice”

My coaching on resilient strategies needed to supplement these 8-step plan, so Giovanni could develop more resilience, with executing his leadership development plan.


It was evident that Manoel lacked emotional intelligence competencies, which refer to an individual’s personality or emotional makeup. He was not aware that his Bold, ENTP, Controlling / Power motive was a poor fit in the German culture. Together these insights would become the focus of preparing the remainder of the coaching engagement.

Manoel realized that the administrative assistant was the keenest observer of the politics at headquarters and knew who was listened to, respected, and who was ignored. They agreed to have the administrative assistant decipher coded messaging and help build networks.

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