Home Concepts Decison Making & Problem Solving Finding Essence in a VUCA-Plus World V: Action Steps Toward Establishing and Maintaining Trust

Finding Essence in a VUCA-Plus World V: Action Steps Toward Establishing and Maintaining Trust

86 min read

A Case Study of Inclusion:  I wish to illustrate the way proactive and reactive inclusion operate. I live in a Maine community (Harpswell) that is tight knit. Surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, Harpswell offers a long history of fishing (especially the hauling in of lobster) and boatbuilding. Many families in this community can trace their roots back many generations, and it often takes a long time to gain acceptance as a “true” member of the Harpswell community. In other words, one is an “outside” (from “away” as they say here). It is therefore probably smart to be reactive and wait to be invited in. Or you can live with the assumption that you will always be an outsider—in which case, you just hunker down and enjoy the spectacular view of the ocean and savor the fresh (and remarkably inexpensive) lobster meals.

Then, along comes the outlier. We will call her “Sarah.” She and her husband recently moved to Harpswell. Sarah was very successful as a corporate executive in New York City. The “Big Apple” is one of those places that true Mainers hate – along with anyone from Massachusetts. As a transplanted New Yorker, Sarah would be at or near the bottom of the list regarding those most “welcomed” into the Harpswell community. Sarah decided to take a proactive stance regarding inclusion. Rather than waiting to be invited in (which could take a long time), Sarah hosted a pig roast. She invited all of her neighbors to bring a side dish (assigned by first letter of their last name) and join in the consuming of the pig and side dishes brought by other members of the community. More than 70 people showed up for the first roast. This event has been held every year for the past five years – and is eagerly awaited. Sarah has met many members of the community and is already a leading figure in the community (which relates to her own high need for control and influence which was honed during her years as a corporate executive).

Sarah was proactive. She said: “here I am and here is how you can get to know me and my husband” “I’m not waiting for you to invite me to your home. I have invited you here along with many of our neighbors. Come and enjoy pig and dialogue.” While members of many other closely-knit communities, who are thoughtful about the issue of inclusion, have established programs to welcome new residents to their community, Sarah took the action herself, and Harpswell now has the pig roast as one way to welcome in newcomers. The Welcome Wagon initiatives of other communities assume that the new residents will be reactive regarding their inclusion, while Sarah illustrated how one can be proactive. She doesn’t just sit at the side of the dance floor. Sarah goes out and grabs one of the reticent boys and starts dancing with them. What a radical departure from our established way of being in the world as teenage boys and girls! Welcome to the 21st Century of gender-based relational norms. And welcome to Harpswell! Come and savor some smoked pig!!

The Need for Control

Individuals, groups and members of organizations may have different ideas about how to move forward, but some perspectives and practices call for moving beyond these differences. There is an action perspective demanding that something gets done. There is a push for results. If we are going to move forward, then we must figure out who is going to be influential in this relationship, group or organization. It is equally important to determine how this influence is going to be successfully engaged. Is it a matter of expertise, formal position power, a willingness to become actively involved? What is the key influence in this social system?

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