Home Concepts Employee Engagement & Motivation Possibility Deficit Disorder

Possibility Deficit Disorder

9 min read

PDD is reinforced by media, politicians and corporate leaders, whose economic or political interests are enhanced by inducing and maintaining fear in their constituencies. Fear is the killer of possibility and possibility thinking. Scared people do what they are told. Therefore, PDD is not simply a matter of psychology and human nature. It is equally a matter of values and the character of leaders.

PDD also, not obviously, helps keep the people in power in power. Either by intention or inadvertently, PDD serves people who control the most valued resources in corporations and government agencies — to have their people not experience too much possibility prevents ‘rocking the boat’ and changes in the balance of power. The modern Zeigeist Movement suggests that the pervasive interest-based banking and financial system is a primary source of PDD.

PDD can be a temporary event caused by difficult circumstances. However, it can also become an addiction in itself. The addiction falls into several classes, each with the power of a monastic order. These include the:
Order of the Devout Victim,
Order of Diminished Delight
Order of Perpetual Confession
Order of Incessant Explanation
Order of Insincere Apology
Order of Insincere Offers
Order of Fearful Inaction
Order of Having to Make a Difference
Order of Having to Make No difference
Order of Self Deprecation
Order of Too Much to Do
Order of Continual Tidiness
Order of Perpetually Trite Response
Order of the Immaculate Inquiry
Order of Having to Have More
Order of Nobody Tells Me What to Do
Order of Committed Inattention
Order of Desperately Seeking Salvation
Order of Perfection and Worry
Order of Terminal Service
Order of Pathetic Objectives
Order of Having to Do What You Don’t Want To Do
Order of Unworthy Existence

A rare form of PDD is found in those individuals and groups with Possibility Addiction (PA). In these cases people feel compelled to act on possibilities they discover or create. While they experience the positive effects of possibility, they usually do not follow through and are left with far too many possibilities on their plate. This is accompanied by fatigue and a sense of not going anywhere. Often they are critical of people with PDD, without awareness that their own reaction is its apparent opposite, Possibility Addiction.

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