In Wayne’s case, Rey Carr’s role as trainer complimented his role as writer and publisher:
I have trained under Dr. Carr and now have my own Peer Mentor business through which I make numerous references to the work of Dr. Carr and to the many appropriate articles from Peer Bulletin that offer support and solutions to others.
Generativity Two: Among many other things, Rey Carr was a connector. He provided this function both as a networker with exceptional knowledge of what was happening in the world of coaching, and as someone who seemed to know (and could honestly provide an assessment of) many people throughout the world who are engaged in the emerging profession of coaching. Sally Glover provided the following brief testament to this Generativity Two connectivity (and his complementary Generativity One listening skills and authenticity):
Rey Carr has been a professor, mentor, colleague, coach and friend since 1975. He has always been a curious connector. You could say he’s a quiet and sensitive ‘Cheerleader’ unleashing personal power and potential his entire life! He has been a pivotal influencer for me and so many others, happily supporting us in our journey to become our best selves. Rey’s gentle presence, humour and INCREDIBLE listening skills are well known. He is the ‘No Matter What’ kind of Mentor/Coach!! If ever there was a model of ‘walking the talk’ ~ it’s Rey.!
Carter McNamara provides a more detailed description of Rey’s connectivity. Note that Rey not only knows a lot about what is happening, but also (as Sally Glover mentioned), listens carefully. This enables his Generativity Two contributions actually to be relevant and helpful. As I noted regarding King Arthur’s and Lee Salmon’s Generativity One competencies, there is a need for focus if generative caring at any level is to be truly caring. Carter offers the following:
In the mid 90s, I was working hard to collect resources that would help people to help each other. I kept feeling that there was so much untapped wisdom in all of us, but that we were so used to relying on experts – and then calling that “learning.” Remember that, back then, phrases like “peer learning” and “peer coaching” were very rare. So, I began putting whatever I could find or write myself, up on the Internet. But I was quickly growing frustrated and disillusioned. We didn’t have robust search engines like Google back then. Somehow, I ended up talking to a woman in British Columbia and was complaining about my lack of progress. I could almost hear her chucking on the other end of our phone call. She said, “Do you have a pencil and paper?” I said, “Yes.” She said write down the name “Rey Carr”. Of course, I asked, “Why?”. She replied, “He’s developing a website that will be ‘the pot of goal at end of your rainbow’.”
Download Article 1K ClubShe wasn’t exaggerating. Not only were all the materials there that I had dreamed of, but more importantly they were even carefully vetted and catalogued. I called him to express my appreciation, and quickly realized his deep humility and sincerity in his work. He was doing it, not for personal visibility or acclaim, but out of a deep dedication to help – to help parents, coworkers, colleagues and organizations of every type. Fast forward 25 years, and Rey is still doing that. Except now there’s a very large number of people who, when you mention the website peer.ca, you always get a reaction of deep warmth and appreciation. Rey Carr is the real deal. If there’s a heaven, he’ll walk right in.