Home Concepts Ethics Why Women are Willing to Work Hard, but Need a Moral Purpose

Why Women are Willing to Work Hard, but Need a Moral Purpose

12 min read

She realized that she needed to “give to herself, feed herself emotionally, and to remind herself that she is “capable, worthy, and positive”. She stated that being committed to ascertain her goals and following up with the coaching makes it real for her, not just an unspoken concept. We also worked on a “speedy priority finder” which helped Beth put her various goals in perspective. She was able to again create a tangible guide for herself outlining what was most important to her and what she could do if she had no limits. Being the introspective person that she is, Beth responded that she would become a great philanthropist, and would have the means to help the world become cured of diseases and other ills. This vision aligns with Beth’s overall desire to work in an industry that reflects her personal value system, and engages in corporate works of charity to benefit those who do not have the means to stay healthy, one of Maslow’s basic needs, the need for ease of bodily functions and homeostasis.

The Client’s Long View, with Assistance from Maslow.

In a brief exposure to this model, it’s most useful in considering the long perspective of each client. It’s best to sense if the client is happy or not, by various means of questioning, intuition, and observation of body language word choice, etc. Beth seemed to fit in comfortably with this model in that she is such a reflective individual and very eager to benefit from the coaching experience. Beth sees the world through her sense of self, therefore, focusing on her vision of herself and helping her to gain self-awareness was a step in bringing her to Maslow’s self-actualization stage.

Maslow’s Hierarchy as a Growth Tool.

I have used this model with other clients as well, and with interviews with client’s supervisors and colleagues. Often, people have the impression that self-awareness or self-actualization is an isolated process, and they can feel like failures if they can’t envision themselves achieving their own definitions of success. I like to use the model as a growth tool itself, as an athlete can be self-actualized on the playing field in his sport, but not self-actualized in his personal, family or work life. It’s a good way to explain that life is a continuum, and sometimes you are at a high point, but maybe due to circumstances you can’t control, you topple off that high specific high point. But there is always another high point to be reached, and maybe the last one wasn’t intended to be permanent, so another must be envisioned, and then achieved. With Beth, she realizes that becoming the person she wants to be; confident, courageous, creative, and accepting; is achievable when taking the right steps to make the changes she desires; to grow within a company with a value system that reflects her own, and supports the well-being of the rest of the world.

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