Gary Quehl and William Bergquist
The biggest change is that I don’t expect perfection in myself as much as I once did. Emerging Sage Leader
Over the course of a life-time we pause many times to review and assess the behaviors and practices that shape who and what we have become. When we arrive at adulthood, we put aside the ways of our childhood. When we entered the workplace, we learned ground rules that differed from how we comported ourselves in college. And when we became parents, we truly got to understand what it means to nourish, love, and be depended on. Much of this we learn from observing others, and often we learn from our mistakes—deciding never to make the same ones again.
The phenomenon of on-going personal changes especially applies to leadership. Behaviors and practices once considered core to our leadership shift or fall away when we no longer find them effective or desirable. Sometimes the initiative for change surfaces as the result of a single transforming event, such as a peak life experience, while in others a long period of incubation and reflection are required before the need for personal, professional, or spiritual growth rises to consciousness. In any event, these transitions are key to understanding sage leadership. Emerging sages share a number of changes in the patterns and styles of their leadership behavior.
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