I no longer stress-out out over the small stuff. I’ve learned that all businesses go up and down, and that you have to be comfortable riding that wave. If you believe in what you are doing and work hard enough, you will get the desired results. Sometimes things don’t go as planned, but you learn how to bounce back. You also need to learn how to disconnect and find ways to relax outside of work.
I’ve learned that changes come in small steps rather than big leaps. I am more purposeful in my interactions with people now. I’m struggling with this, because it takes away from my natural spontaneity and ability to have fun in any situation, and that has always been one of my strengths.
Changes in Leadership Style
It might be expected that changes in the personal behaviors of emerging sages are reflected in changed leadership styles as well—and this is true. They identify six style change themes: being calmer and having a more authentic approach to leading, having more personal confidence in getting things accomplished, giving greater attention to the role of teamwork and collaboration, focusing more on getting results, and being optimistic in engaging others:
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