Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership Community Engagement Emerging Sage Leader: Interview of Richard Baker

Emerging Sage Leader: Interview of Richard Baker

15 min read

As to educational organizations, I am presently on the facilities committee for the Nevada County School of the Arts about six-to-eight hours a month. Recently I was elected to the NJUHS school board of trustees and will begin a four-year term in January, 2011. I was asked to run for the seat. I have three children coming up to high school and want to be involved in their education. I will probably put in approximately 10-15 hours a week there. In terms of arts organizations, I was on the board of the Center for the Arts for eight years and was board president. Regarding nonprofit organizations, I have worked a bit with The Friendship Club and am involved with the Sage Leadership Project, an initiative of the Center for Nonprofit Leadership. I have no involvements in media, faith-based, or government/political organizations.

8.    What is the name of the one organization on the list in which you are most involved and committed? Were you invited to become involved or did you approach the organization(s) and volunteer your services? Are you paid or unpaid? On average, how many hours a month do you give to this organization or organizations?

I was on the board for the Center for the Arts for eight years, where I served in leadership roles, 20-25 hours a week, unpaid. I wanted to be involved in the Center because of my arts background, and I thought I could be of help with my business skills. I was invited to be on the board. I started out as a general board member but quickly got involved with many of the committees. I created and ran the Rock and Roll fundraising event, earning $14,000-$16,000 annually.

9.   I’d like to learn more about your involvement in this organization:

First, describe the leadership role that you play.

I served in many leadership capacities including president. During my time as president I worked 20-25 hours a week literally running the Center. This was a difficult period for the organization. I resigned in 2009 because my wife was hired as the executive director.

Second, in what ways do you believe you have most helped the organization?

I mostly helped the Center for the Arts by not seeking any personal gain and keeping the health of the community and the need for a vital art center always at the forefront. This was at a time when some other community arts groups were folding. I’d like to think that I was part of a team that moved the organization through a difficult time and established a foundation for our current success.

Third, as you think back over your involvement in the organization, what roadblocks have been most challenging?

My main challenges were financial. Getting the community to make a long-term investment in the Center was essential, and educating the community and getting buy-in was definitely a challenge.

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