Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership Community Engagement Emerging Sage Leader: Interview of Richard Baker

Emerging Sage Leader: Interview of Richard Baker

15 min read

Fourth, what experiences within the organization have given you the most meaning and satisfaction?

I have gotten the most meaning and satisfaction this last year seeing how our decisions and vision in the early years have been fruitful. The Center has given a lot back to the community. For instance, the it raised over $10,000 this past year in support of other local non-profits, including the hospital. I am proud of the Center and continue to have a lot of passion for this place. Other organizations now look at the Center’s model for community activism.

10. I want to ask you three additional questions about your various community involvements:

First, what motivates or inspires you to engage in civic activities and causes?

Mainly, I grew-up here and have roots and family history here. I have a lot of passion about the future of the community.

Second, do you feel that you are sacrificing anything in your life by being deeply involved in our community’s civic organizations?


Third, what personal benefits do you get from your civic involvements?

I have gotten more culture being in this community because I have easy access to great national and local artists who I might not have gone to see in a big city like New York, San Francisco, or Los Angeles. I feel good about being part of creating something that has a lasting effect for me as well as the community.

11. Let’s turn to a different topic: Is there a relationship between your role as a working professional and your personal involvement in our community’s civic organizations? If so, how would you describe it?

Architecture is a humanist field – community and place. My work feeds my interest in community. When people see how I make an investment in the community, perhaps they think I’m someone they want to do business with. I personally make that decision when I give my business to local companies that I know give back to the community.

12. Do you see yourself continuing along the same career path with increasing responsibilities and leadership roles? Or at some point do you see a different path for yourself?

I know that I have a commitment to be on the school board for the next four years. Will there be a third phase in my life? Maybe. I love my job and being close to extended family. This place is home to me. I also like being a little more footloose. When my kids are grown, I can see my wife and I doing something completely different.

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