Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership Community Engagement Emergent Sage Leadership: Interview of Cristine Kelly

Emergent Sage Leadership: Interview of Cristine Kelly

21 min read

8. What is the name of the one organization on the list in which you are most  involved and committed? Were you invited to become involved or did you approach the organization(s) and volunteer your services? Are you paid or unpaid? On average, how many hours a month do you give to this organization or organizations?

I’m the Executive Director of Music in the Mountains (MIM). I competed for the job and got it!  Obviously, I’m paid. I work about 40-50 hours a week in this position.

9.   I’d like to learn more about your involvement in this organization:

First, describe the leadership role that you play.

It’s exciting taking an organization that has been around for 30+ years and taking it through a renaissance.  I am learning tremendously from past leadership, and get to play a strong role in the organization’s future.   I’m a person who likes to bring people together, and I have a very good “big picture” outlook. I’m very comfortable calling-up anyone and asking, “Can you educate me on this?” or “What do you think?”

Second, in what ways do you believe you have most helped the organization?

I think I am helping to break down the perceived barriers between classical music and the general public.  I’ve given a strong voice to our education programs, and spearheaded a new communications model that focuses on social media.  I’m also bringing my background in collaboration to the table. Basically, I am building a bridge between the organization’s past and it’s future.

Third, as you think back over your involvement in the organization, what roadblocks have been most challenging?

As a classical music organization, we are now charged with creating and developing our audience through education.  The genre of classical music takes more time, understanding and appreciation.  And, we need to get the music out of the performance hall and make it more accessible.  But orchestra music is expensive to produce.

Fourth, what experiences within the organization have given you the most meaning and satisfaction?

The most satisfying part of the job involves leading the organization to become more deeply engaged with the whole community it serves.  We had a tremendous summer festival where we had many people who had never come to one of our concerts before, and they had a terrific time.

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