Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership Community Engagement Emergent Sage Leadership: Interview of Cristine Kelly

Emergent Sage Leadership: Interview of Cristine Kelly

21 min read

10. I want to ask you three additional questions about your various community involvements:

First, what motivates or inspires you to engage in civic activities and causes?

I’m very excited and interested in creating sustainable communities. This area (Nevada County) is a wonderful petrie dish. We’ve done work trying to create a sustainable economy, done work trying to create sustainable agriculture. What about sustainable social systems? There’s lots of possibility here.

Second, do you feel that you are sacrificing anything in your life by being deeply involved in our community’s civic organizations?

In my current position I’m sacrificing some and gaining some. I work at trying to achieve balance. I’ve sacrificed my writing, and I haven’t played the cello in years. I do believe, though, there is a time in life for each of these facets of ourselves. Maybe when I’m sixty I can write again and join the orchestra.

Third, what personal benefits do you get from your civic involvements?

I’m gaining a lot of personal satisfaction. I love being part of a community, and working towards the creation of something larger than myself.

11. Let’s turn to a different topic: Is there a relationship between your role as a working professional and your personal involvement in our community’s civic organizations? If so, how would you describe it?

It’s the same. I’m passionate about all of the other causes and organizations I become involved with.

12. Do you see yourself continuing along the same career path with increasing responsibilities and leadership roles? Or at some point do you see a different path for yourself?

Yes, I see myself continuing in this career path. I’m still trying to figure out where I’m strongest, and how to utilize my strengths. I just moved into this position and plan on being here for awhile.   I have some ambition in working toward a community foundation in this region.  Hmmm… or will I be a writer in the desert?

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