There’s a pattern that I have observed in myself that I’m trying to change. Instead of being a “kickass person,” no matter what place or role that I play on a board or within an organization, I’d like to transform into becoming an inspiring leader.
I no longer have the temper I use to have. I now feel I can mostly stay on an even keel. I still rant every once in a while, but not with strong emotions and out of control conduct which affects people. Now I pick my battles. There are times when you want to raise your voice, and there are times when you don’t need to. So I am more even-keeled, more calm, more centered, more focused. This comes with either hormonal change or old age, and I am not sure which.
One pattern always comes to the forefront, and that has to do with the way I deal with anger. I had a short fuse in business. Interesting enough, a short fuse and intimidation worked when you were in negotiations, whether it was with union leaders or in confrontations with colleagues. I learned that being tough in that world led to success. Well it doesn’t work in most other relationships, so the biggest thing I have learned over time is the need for patience. I have learned a lot about being patient with youth and younger people, and coaching rather than beating on them all the time.
Recognizing the value of other persons. Because so many senior sages were highly driven during their younger years, they didn’t always appreciate the value that other people could bring to the table. Now they do:
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