Gary Quehl and William Bergquist
I admire good communications skills, common sense, high integrity, and the fact that effective leaders surround themselves with high quality people—then get the hell out of the way and let them do their thing. Senior Sage Leader
Given their long experience in leading, senior sages are readily able to identify the qualities they most and least admire in other leaders.
Most Admired
Their favored qualities are similar to those identified by emerging sages: integrity, vision, effective communication, humility, and the ability and desire to empower others:
Integrity. Of all the qualities that senior sages admire in leaders, the most valued is integrity:
The qualities I most admire in some of the mentors and coaches I saw in the business world were men and women of high integrity and moral standards who could make courageous decisions, even when they may be costly. They saw and believed in what needed to be done, and they took the high road to accomplish it.
Integrity and authenticity are right at the top of the things I most admire about leaders I have known. Authenticity has been a focus of my personal growth for a number of years. I really treasure people who will mirror for me, who ask if that is what I’m really intending in my actions.
Vision. Following integrity on the list of most admired leadership qualities is vision:
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