The best leaders I have known have an ability to impose their will graciously, but they somehow let others know what due North is and that they are going to take us there.
President Obama is a fabulous leader when it comes to vision. Not everyone would agree with me, but he’s well-educated and is a very smart man. He has a vision, takes in as much as he can, then makes his decision. That’s the sign of a great leader.
Effective communication. Many senior sages say they have learned the hard way how important effective communication is:
The ability to listen is really important in good leadership. A good leader has to try and understand the different things that are going on and what people are saying about them. For example, members of the arts community tend to be strong in listening skills and generally are empathetic. Artists have to convince others that their work is important, that people need to understand there are no absolute rules. This helps one gain access to other kinds of knowledge.
Humility. Having met and overcome much in their personal and professional lives, senior sages keenly understand the need for humility in leaders:
Download Article 1K ClubI most admire leaders who don’t have to be in the limelight. They are confident.
They are humble. They acknowledge others’ abilities and qualities. They work well with others and are able to compromise and arrive at sound answers and solutions. I also admire leaders who are visionaries. They have the ability to choose good people. They have the ability to delegate. They have the ability to define what is expected, and then get out of the way so people can achieve it. They don’t attempt to micro-manage or control.