I most dislike leaders who impose their will when they are uncertain of what they are doing—leaders who make decisions and compel people to go along when deep down inside I could see they really were not sure of their decision. This is about hubris. It is awful the damage a bad leader can do.
Hubris has to do with leaders thinking they must have control over everything and not allow for other possibilities. I have watched people who believe they are leaders destroy their organizations, or at least destroy any creativity or desire for others to contribute because of their overpowering personalities. Kind of a megalomaniac attitude.
Ineffective communications. Like their emerging sage counterparts, senior sages attribute
ineffective communications to not listening to others, or listening well, and to being enthralled by their own voice:
Download Article 1K ClubNot listening and rolling over people with their own agenda are two common mistakes that leaders make. I don’t think anybody has to speak negatively against someone publicly or complain about them to someone else. That is very divisive, particularly in volunteer organizations. Who knows what is going on in people’s lives at any given point? They do the best that they can.
I think not listening enough is a trait many of us need to improve upon. Leaders need to take it all in before decisions are made, not just pay attention to the most influential, connected, loudest voice. Not self-observing their own style and behavior, and its impact on others, is another trait lacking in many leaders.
Talking too much is a trait of way too many leaders, including myself. It seems this has to do with being enamored with hearing one’s own voice or simply wanting to dominate conversation.