When leaders aren’t clear about goals, an excess of work gets created. And sometimes there’s just too much information. A lot of leaders are controlling, and less control leads to better solutions. You have to let go and let others have their say.
One mistake that leaders make is taking on too much and losing focus on their mission and goals. This results in their spreading themselves too thin. Leaders must know their limits and keep focused on the few critical areas they want to change. Those who know their limits tend to be much more effective leaders than those who don’t.
Rushing to judgment. One senior sage leader describes impulsive decision making this way:
In brief terms: Ready. Fire. Aim. There’s a lot wrapped up in that old saw, including anger, impulsiveness, and over-confidence. It is so easy when you have been in charge to see some idiotic thing happen that you don’t know the background of but let fire any way. And that is more often than not the wrong thing to do.
Other qualities disliked in leaders. Seniors identify four other traits of the ineffective leader: lack of integrity, being closed-minded, exhibiting anger, and micromanaging.
Download Article 1K ClubLack, of integrity, especially being dishonest with people, is one of the biggest mistakes leaders can make. Leaders must treat people with respect, and they must live their values. Yes, a leader must care about the bottom line, but I admire the leader who follows his or her values and the values of the organization in making decisions.