Home Concepts Managing Stress & Challenges Achieving Escape Velocity

Achieving Escape Velocity

13 min read

Feeling is the Prayer

In Gregg Braden’s, Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer,  he states that, according to the Tibetans, the native Americans and even ancient Christian and Jewish traditions, feeling IS the prayer. Using this method, the Native Americans don’t pray for rain.  They don’t pray for anything.  They simply and silently pray rain.  In meditation, they allow themselves to experience  what it would feel like if they were in the presence of rain, as if their prayer had already been answered.  According to Braden and many quantum physicists, the universe responds to our feelings and reflects back to us through manifestation our present level of consciousness.

That’s Too Easy

The hardest thing to overcome might be our whole notion of velocity not to mention our unwillingness to allow wonderful things to come to us easily and gracefully.  We have all been taught the value of hard work, the sin of laziness, that money doesn’t grow on trees and if you want something done right, you need to do it yourself.  Expressions like “No pain, no gain”,”The harder I work, the luckier I get,” “When the going gets tough, the tough get going” abound in our culture.  These ideas reinforce the necessity of overcoming obstacles and achieving velocity through perseverance and hard work. What if all you had to do was envision what you wanted, get turned on and excited by the idea, allow yourself to feel the way you would feel if your vision was already realized, and then do what you felt inspired to do?  Most people would say, “Nah! Not possible.”

To See Things Differently

If you read the many quotes from the astronauts after they have been in space, it becomes obvious that the impact that space travel had on these brave men and women was not from reaching the moon or being able to live weightlessly in orbit, as magnificent as those accomplishments were.  Rather, the life altering experience came from a change in perspective.  Staring at the earth from 200,000 miles away changed everything for them. As Alfred Worden said, “Now I know why I’m here. Not for a closer look at the moon, but to look back at our home, the Earth.”  “When you’re finally up at the moon looking back on earth, all those differences and nationalistic traits are pretty well going to blend, and you’re going to get a concept that maybe this really is one world and why the hell can’t we learn to live together like decent people.”— Frank Borman, Apollo 8.

By the same token, the near death experience mentioned earlier draws its impact from a dramatic change in perspective.  If we believe her near death account, not only was that woman able to travel at the speed of thought  but she had to rethink who she was when she found herself fully conscious and staring  down at her lifeless body in the hospital bed as doctors pronounced her dead.  Needless to say, after a dramatic change in perspective, life just isn’t the same.

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